NO HISTORY IS AVILABLE FOR PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF SEISMOWIN. HERE ARE REPORTED THE KNOWN BUGS AND MALFUNCTIONS AND EVENTUALLY THE WORKAROUNDS FOR VERSION OLDER THAN THE 2.22. - A different OCX has been used from the previous version for the graphic save. Previous version experienced memory leak during long time operations. If you experience a memory leak (the computer resources decreases until the system become unstable) you can try to change the colour of your display adaptor. Typically the problem seems to be related to the use of 256 color setting. Try to change at 65536. - EXTRACT function could lock if you attempt to extract files over midnight UPGRADES OF THE VERSION 2.22 OF 01/01/2002 Usage of version 2.22 requires the uninstall of the previous version, or the installation of the new version in a different folder using the complete istallation package. It is not necessary to remove the old folders, only use windows/Control Panel to uninstall the old version. Please check carefully all the settings to see everything is ok according to your requirements. TRACKS - It is possible to modify The Y scale of the tracks simultaneously on all channels DRUM - The drums are long twice. To display the hidden part of the drum you can use the scrollbar below the chart - You can choose the image format from these options: BMP / GIF / JPG40% / JPG75% / JPG90% ALARM - The alarm can be activated as a simple BEEP or with the play of the ALARM.WAV file that can be also changed with your favorite alarm sound. To be used ALARM.WAV must be present in the application folder. TIME SET - The time set window has been modified in 3 points 1. There is a selector to instruct seismowin if a DCF77 receiver or a GPS receiver is used. 2. The GMT correction must be kept at 0 to have the GMT time from the DCF77 or GPS. Any other setting modify the time of +x or -x to meet the required time lag 3. The SET button doesn't modify the PC time if PC TIME not SYNC from A/D checked. 4. According to the DCF or GPS setting the ASCII format in output report GPS or DCF syncronization method. A/D BOARD CLOCK TRIMMING Some a/d board of series older than 1st February 2003 experienced data loss in the eeprom memory in the memory location where the digital clock trimming is stored. That boards can have a large clock drift between DCF77 or GPS syncronization. This drift can reach several seconds per day because the wrong trimming data can occasionally sum the error to the natural frequency error of the crystal. To avoid this problem SEISMOWIN now executes a check on these memory location, and if the value are different from the value specified in the SEISMOWIN H/W Setup, seismowin provides to restore the correct values. Furthermore, SEISMOWIN have a new field where you can input the known error of the crystal and SEISMOWIN will compute the correction values to be used for your board. To know the clock error of your board an easy way is: 1. Remove the digital trim applyng these codes: FF FF FF 02 and give WRITE. 2. Manually syncronize the a/d clock 3. Wait 24 hours and check the difference of second you see between the sample clock and the a/d clock (If you use a DFC77 or a GPS receiver this will give a better result but you need to keep detached the GPS or DCF77 receiver from the board during the 24 hours test) 4. Compute the difference between the 2 clocks in second making A/D clock time - Sample clock time And apply this difference in seconds to the field "Clock Error" Press ENTER on your keyboard and you will see the 4 hexadecimal numbers update. 5. Press WRITE, wait for a reply window 6. If all is ok press APPLY and SAVE the setting. Your board is now trimmed and the SEISMOWIN will check the trimming values. It is a good thing to SAVE in a your document the values computed for future reference.